
Press Release

MediPure™ IV filters with a CYROLITE® housing ensure safe infusions

  • MediPure™ Adult IV filters from ITW Medical protect patients from bacteria, microparticles and trapped air
  • Filter housings made of CYROLITE® can be sterilized and are robust, disinfectants- and pressure-resistant
  • ITW Medical is planning to use CYROLITE® CG-97 again for the next generation of filters


Press Release

Price increase for PLEXIGLAS® and PLEXIMID® molding compounds

Effective November 1, 2020, Röhm GmbH announces a price increase for PLEXIGLAS® and PLEXIMID® molding compounds in Europe and the Asia Pacific region following recent raw material cost increases.


Press Release

Price increase for CYROLITE®, CYROLITE® MD, XT® POLYMER, CYREX® and Vu-Stat® molding compounds

Effective January 1, 2021, Röhm GmbH will globally increase the prices for its CYROLITE®, CYROLITE® MD, XT® POLYMER, CYREX® and Vu-Stat® acrylic-based products.
