Learn more about our PLEXIGLAS® neutral gray colors

The effect is amazing: When turned off, a display appears to seamlessly be a part of a high-gloss panel, however, when turned on, it clearly depicts the information presented in true colors. This effect, known as the black panel effect, is being used in many applications in the automotive industry and can only be implemented using materials in special, neutral gray colors.

To show the interaction between transmission and wall thickness of a component, we have created this sample box including all available neutral gray special colorings. This sample box will be of great help selecting the right product for a specific component.

Typical applications

  • interior and exterior lighting
  • illuminated buttons and switches
  • lighting elements for household appliances
  • optics with reduced light/dark contrast

The effect is amazing:

The Box "Secret Until Lit" is a great tool for selecting the perfect product for a specific component by using graphical illustrations to show the interaction between transmittance and wall thickness of a component.

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All PLEXIGLAS® grades of Secret until lit box

Transmittance in % and wall thickness

Product 1mm 2mm 3mm 4mm
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V268 89.66 87.21 84.89 81.82
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V269 86.28 81.03 75.89 70.68
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V270 84.14 77.08 70.54 65.22
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V271 82.15 73.85 66.19 60.0
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V272 77.35 65.38 55.49 47.85
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V265 71.23 55.54 43.44 35.09
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V273 66.04 48.81 35.55 26.76
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V205 61.85 42.47 29.14 21.12
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V274 58.07 38.65 25.04 16.92
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V275 49.19 28.41 15.73 9.16
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V336 40.59 17.67 8.25 4.2
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V338 33.13 11.66 4.72 1.92
PLEXIGLAS® 8N 7V337 17.93 3.24 0.69 0.18
PLEXIGLAS® LED 8N gray 7V376 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.