Lower carbon footprint with proven high performance: PLEXIGLAS® proTerra molding compounds

We offer our customers two different ways to lower their product carbon footprint: PLEXIGLAS® proTerra M5 contains mechanically recycled PMMA, while in PLEXIGLAS® proTerra 8N, fossil resources have been replaced with raw materials certified under ISCC PLUS*.

All Röhm products with a significantly reduced CO2 footprint, that were made from sustainable raw materials, that make a significant contribution to promote the circular economy and that save resources, such as raw materials, energy or water, qualify for the proTerra brand family.

Two paths to reduce your CO2 footprint with PLEXIGLAS®

PLEXIGLAS® proTerra M5


  • Plastic recycling content (post-industrial)
  • Reduced CO2 footprint**

PLEXIGLAS® proTerra 8N


  • Sustainable share  (ISCC-PLUS)*
  • Reduced CO2 footprint**

Key properties of our PLEXIGLAS® proTerra products

Property PLEXIGLAS® proTerra M5 PLEXIGLAS® proTerra 8N
Vicat 106°C 108°C
MVR 2.3 cm³/ 10 min 3.0 cm³/ 10 min
Tensile modulus 3300 MPa 3300 MPa
Transmittance 91% 92%

*ISCC = International Sustainable Carbon Certification; only available for products produced at our Worms production site in Germany

**calculated according ISO14044 with product category rules TfS initiative and LCA Software by Sphera, compared to basic PMMA grade 3.75 kg CO2 eq., status May 2023