New sample box: PLEXIGLAS® special molding compounds for lighting applications with homogeneous light distribution

K 2019, Hall 6, Booth No. B30

  • PLEXIGLAS® molded parts are proven in a multitude of lighting applications
  • New sample box showcases the range of special molding compounds for backlighting
  • PLEXIGLAS® Satinice and PLEXIGLAS® LED molding compounds can be used to create covers that spread light evenly

Thanks to the advances in LED technology, many new fields of application for polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) have opened up over recent years. Modern LED lights emit strong point lighting and are therefore dependent on a surrounding material that guides the light to where it is needed. With its high level of transmission and low inherent color, PMMA is ideally suited for the interplay of light. Whether as a luminaire cover or as a light guide in displays and projection screens, molded parts made of PLEXIGLAS® special molding compounds are a proven solution for lighting applications. At K 2019, the Molding Compounds business unit of Röhm GmbH will present a new sample box with light-scattering PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds for lighting applications to an expert audience in Hall 6, Booth no. B30.

Wide range of applications

PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds can be used to produce both completely transparent covers with light-conducting structures and those that scatter light for a broad range of purposes. The material is also easy to process and retains its good optical properties for many years.

The new sample box focuses on light-scattering variants: These are various formulations from three product families of PLEXIGLAS® special molding compounds which cover the entire spectrum of scattering properties, from light to strong. The different grades allow the distance between the light and the light-scattering cover to be varied. With the strongly light-scattering variants it is possible to realize homogenous lighting without any visible differences in brightness, known as light hot spots, even at low installation depths.

Moreover, all PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds can be processed using both the injection molding and extrusion processes. The material can be delivered worldwide.

About Röhm
With 3,500 employees and 13 production sites worldwide, Röhm is one of the leading manufacturers in the methacrylate business. The medium-sized company with branches in Germany, China, the USA, Mexico, and South Africa has 90 years of experience in methacrylate chemistry and a strong technology platform. Our best-known brands include PLEXIGLAS®, ACRYLITE®, MERACRYL®, DEGALAN®, DEGAROUTE® and CYROLITE®.

More information is available at

Press Contact

Thomas Kern
Global Communications
Molding Compounds

Röhm GmbH
Deutsche-Telekom-Allee 9
64295 Darmstadt, Germany

Phone +49 6151 863-7154


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