Red Dot Edition publishing house gives PLEXIGLAS® its own publication

For the first time in the history of Red Dot, the Red Dot Edition publishing house is dedicating an entire publication to the topic of plastics and is aiming the spotlight on a material which everybody knows, but of which the majority are unaware when it comes to the diversity of forms, colors and functions available. The product in question is of course PLEXIGLAS®, a plastic which is not just part of a extremely successful brand and company history, but also an expression of our cutting-edge design and lifestyle culture.
The image book was created in close collaboration with the Molding Compounds business unit at Röhm GmbH, the manufacturer of PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds. Due to its diverse, and in part unique, properties, the material is of considerable significance for different applications in the fields of design and architecture. The pictorial shows successful examples of design objects and buildings which result from designers, architects and material developers working together closely.
The title “The Book of Possibilities – Inspiring Design with PLEXIGLAS®” already hints at the diverse design ideas which the material can help realize, thanks to its ability to be transformed in almost unlimited ways and its strengths when it comes to design, color and function. Luminaires inspired by plants or sea animals, rear lights which strikingly reproduce a brand identity, or roofs which become the trademark of a soccer stadium – like the tent roof construction on the Olympic Stadium in Munich, designed by Günter Behnisch and viewed as a milestone in architecture.
Significant importance of plastics in design
At the same time, the book also takes a look at the influence of plastics in design and architecture. New design ideas require new materials to be developed – and new materials inspire manufacturers and designers to come up with new ideas. “The decision for a material is seldom left to chance, but is rather a conscious decision,” explained Prof. Peter Zec, Founder and CEO of Red Dot. The importance of plastics, particularly high-quality plastics, is continuously increasing. The materials are becoming more resistant and durable and can be shaped in almost any way imaginable. “Plastic materials have been part of our lives since the era of industrialization; they are an expression of modernity. And PLEXIGLAS® has also been there for decades,” said Zec. “Whether it can be assigned to the history of design or architecture depends on the respective use or application.”
Cooperation project between Red Dot and Molding Compounds
Despite the vast portfolio of publications by Red Dot Edition, with “THE BOOK OF POSSIBILITIES – Inspiring Design with PLEXIGLAS®”, the publisher is dedicating an image book to a material which is simultaneously a brand, as well as a material, for the first time. For over 85 years, the innovative material has inspired generations of designers and engineers to develop impressive and emotional objects. The idea for the book came about during the special exhibition “PLEXIGLAS® – From the inspiring material to innovative design” at the world-renowned Red Dot Design Museum in Essen and an accompanying workshop, in which designers could discover the properties of PLEXIGLAS® for themselves.
“PLEXIGLAS® molding compounds have been a proven and innovative plastic in many sectors, such as the automotive or lighting industries, for decades now. It provides the designers with great freedom to design functional, and simultaneously emotive and emotional solutions,” said Siamak Djafarian, Head of the Molding Compounds business unit. “We are extremely proud that PLEXIGLAS® is at the heart of this new publication by Red Dot Edition. It depicts the diverse options provided by our brand PMMA in a very attractive and clear way.”
The Book of Possibilities Inspiring Design with PLEXIGLAS®
New design ideas demand new material developments. At the same time, new developments in materials inspire designers’ ideas. This illustrated book uses examples of designs with PLEXIGLAS® to show what outstanding results can be achieved when designers and material developers work hand in hand.
General information on the book:
Publisher: Red Dot Edition
Authors: Doris Hirsch, Burkhard Jacob
Languages: English, German
Length: 192 pages
Color pictures: approx. 115
ISBN: 978-3-89939-219-7

About Röhm
With 3,500 employees and 13 production sites worldwide, Röhm is one of the leading manufacturers in the methacrylate business. The medium-sized company with branches in Germany, China, the USA, Mexico, and South Africa has 90 years of experience in methacrylate chemistry and a strong technology platform. Our best-known brands include PLEXIGLAS®, ACRYLITE®, MERACRYL®, DEGALAN®, DEGAROUTE® and CYROLITE®.
More information is available at www.roehm.com
Thomas Kern
Global Communications
Molding Compounds
Röhm GmbH
Deutsche-Telekom-Allee 9
64295 Darmstadt
Tel +49 6151 863-7154
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